Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week 9

The application is finished. Here is the screen shot of the app on Google PLAY.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 8

Video of performing a complete task: launch the app, create a new card, review, and delete it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 7

Facebook login button was added to the home screen. The user can login to share with his friends about his activity. For example: Alex has just created a flashcard to review his SAT word lists using DU Flashcard.
Log in FB button added
Facebook log in UI
Rotate animation was implemented. When the user click on the rotate button, the animation will make the rotate look more real.
Rotate animation
Week 8 goal: Revise UI. Add video + audio functions.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Week 6

The application was tested with text type data and it works perfectly well.  The errors were corrected.
Here is a screen shot of the code used to create the database:

Figure 1: Class creating a database. 
New Features Added:    
In addition to text, the user can also add pictures to the back of the flashcard. 

Figure 2: Front of the card. 

Figure 3: Back of the card.

To insert the picture, user can click on the tab "add picture" button and choose the path of the file. The image is added to the back of the card. User can also type in the text if he wants, all he has to do is start typing after he is done adding the picture. The user can then save the card. It is saved in the database. 

Next Week's Jobs: 
- Implement the audio button to add audio/voice interpretation of the word on the back of the card.
- Implement the Facebook log in button. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 5

Flashcard screens have been created to test:
The front side of the card
The back of the card
In the front side, there is a "Rotate" button which is used to flip the card to the back so that the user can add more content to their flash cards.

[Richa] This function button was expected to create some 3D flipping animation. We did some research and found out this useful source:

  • SQLite DB has also been tested.
  • Khong started to work on integrating some parts together. 

Some problems encountered while developing the app include:
- The app is forced to close due to some messed-up code. We are dealing with a new error which is forcing close when click on New Card button.

Next week deliverable:
- Meet Prof. Mongan
- Start to integrate UX and Java classes

Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 4

The basic user interface of the application has been created. Following are some screen shots up to this point:

Main Screen
From main screen the user can choose to create a new card or to review the whole set of flash cards which they have been created.

This tab provides a quick list of the recent flash cards which the user has just created. They can scroll up and down the list to quickly pick and see a flash card.

Next week deliverable: continue working on the UI and test SQLite DB.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 3 Thoughts

I have thought about our application for the past few days. I have a few thoughts about how we will implement it. First let me talk about what will be going on basically in our app. Imagine it this way:

- There will be a screen that has a list of the cards that the user has made (we call each screen an activity, each activity is corresponding with a view)
- On the first screen there will be a button called ADD. onClick that button, they should be able create a new card.
- On the front of the card, they can input some text. The other side, the back of the card, they can add a picture or a sound, even an video.
- On the front of the card: flip button, delete card button
- On the back of the card: add video, add picture, add sound

The idea about using the phone's camera to take a picture or a video and insert directly to a card is quite ambitious. To be honest. I think that we need more time to implement that ideas that just 7 more weeks. Therefore, I think we should keep the app simple as this: "We are making an app that the user can create a flashcard which they can use their media files to add to it."

They won't use the camera to take the picture or something, but we will make a button that they can access to their SD cards and choose whatever they want. And we use that to insert to the back of the card.

I myself found that this app utilizes a simply idea yet has a big potential, which we can discuss later if you guys to collaborate to work on something fun. I hope you guys get my ideas.

Basically that is it.

For our REAL jobs, here are what we need:

+ Create a user interface (obviously)
+ Make a SQL database that has these fields: (I am figuring out how to create this, I don't know how to at this point)
  • dbFrontText
  • dbBackText
  • dbImage
  • dbVideo
  • dbSound
I think a database that stores not only text but rich media content is a bit more complex.
+ Write classes that handle all these stuff. Get input information from the user and put into the database. Get information from the database and show to the list, and when they choose their flashcards from the list we have to show it to them.

Actually even handling only the ListView thing to display the list of the card is complicated enough.

There is a quite interesting class that I think we can use for both for the back and the front of the card. It is the WEBVIEW class. Google it, you guys will see what I meant. Basically, we can display the content in html markup code.

OK. Please reply with any thought so we are all clear before working on this. 